Meditate in Hobart

Offering meditation classes in Hobart, Launceston and surrounding areas.

Our classes provide a comfortable and relaxed environment in which people from all walks of life can learn about meditation and Buddhism.

We offer a full program suitable for everyone – whatever their level of interest, from those who seek simple relaxation to those who wish to find lasting inner peace and contentment through following the Buddhist path.

Meditation is a way of calming the mind, making us more peaceful, balanced and focused in our daily lives. Ultimately, it enables us to awaken our spiritual potential and find lasting joy and contentment.

Buddhism is a path of individual transformation. It teaches us to look within ourselves for the inner peace and happiness we seek. By developing a more positive outlook, and in particular by deepening our wisdom and compassion, we can improve the quality of our life and gain great power to help others.

Non-profit organization